The Amazon rainforest is burning

Amazon rainforest is called as the lung of the earth which provides 20% of oxygen for the earth. There were over 3 million kinds of animals and plants lived here.

Recently, this important organ of the earth had been burning over 3 weeks. In every minute, there were about 1.5 soccer field of the rainforest were burned down.

Almost two-third of Amazon rainforest located in Brazil. But Brazil government seems to have no action on this fire. Many countries all over the world are caring about this critical event, because the damaged rainforest would make the warming problem of the earth getting worse.

  If we track the fire events in recently years, there only a few were caused by natural fires. A lot of fires were caused by human. Human want to get more lands to plant crops, and their government seems to agree it because it can bring them a lot of income for their economy.

  What can we do to protect the amazon rainforest?

First, we can stop to buy the farm commodities from Brazil. This is one kind of warning to let to government of Brazil know.

2nd, we can sign the petition to express that we really care about this event.

3rd, we can donate money to help saving the Amazon rainforest from burning day by day

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