The fruits

In the afternoon,l drived my red car to the most farmer’s market in my city with my f riends,xiao and jie.There are all kind of fruits  in the market.l buy some banana and some dark grape and some mango and a 木瓜.lt cost almost one hundred yuan.The dark grape is produce in Chili.The banana is yellow and it’s produced in 本地.The mamgo and the 木瓜 are produced in 本地 too.Those banana smell sweet and 香.It taste great.I like to eat those fruits.The mamgo is my favorite fruits. It is delicious!

2 Responses so far.

  1. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    You say that bananas are produced locally (本地). Does that mean you are living in Southern China? It’s not possible to grow bananas in the North of China I think 🙂

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