The Incredibles

Mr. Incredible is a superman,he attack bad guy and save people.he met Elastigirl,she also is superwoman,they love each other,then they got married.15 years later,they have two teenage children,and one baby. The Mr.Incredible has a job,but he seems no happy,he wants to be a hero like 15years ago,he often recall the recall the things of past with his friend Mr.Fronzen who had a hero too,and usually save people with Mr.Incredible.

On day,Mr.Incredible lost his job,everthing is bad for him.and then,A woman found him,and told him there is a job for him,she has known he is a superman,and the job needs his super ability.Mr.Incredible is glad and accepted the job.He has came an island,and found a robot,and defeat it,he almost dead in that fight,but altimately he was won.So he is serves for the new job.but he did not told all of the new job to his wife.One day ,his wife found a woman*s hair on his suit,so she doubts that he is she decides to found her husband.At the same time,Mr.Incredible found the woman who given new job to him have served a bad guy,and the bad guy was his fan in 15 years ago,but he refused him,so he hates him,and also hates any hero,so he has a plan that it is kill all of the heros,and order a robot to attack city,then he goes to save the city,he will be an only hero.Mr.Incredible found his plan,and he also have found many people have been killed.So he decided to stop him,but he have been caught.His wife Elastigirl who has been found the Island,and her children have hidden her airplant,she is suprised and got annoyances,she think it is dangerous for children,so she staied her children in safe place and she goes to looking for her husband by herself.she found that her husband did not cheating,and also got know the plan of bad guy,she wants to save the city and defeat the bad guy,but she and her children also have been caught.So the bad guy thought there is no one can stop him,he is doing his plan,but he made a big mistake,he cannot control the robot, because it is so stronger than his imagin.he have been dedeated by the robot,then the robot has been beginning to destroying the city.At the same time,Mr.Incredible*daughter Violet Parr who had saved her family in her ability.then they go to the city,fighting with the robot,but the robot is too stronge,they cannot defeat it even within the help of Mr.Fronzen.Ultiately,Mr.Incredible found it can be defeat in the arm of itself,so they defeat it in this way.then they save the city.But the bad guy found that his plan is failed,so he caught the buby of Mr.Incredible,but he chosen a wrong choice,the buby has strong ability,so the buby defeat him.then the superfamily have not hidden they ability,when they are living as average people while they are saving the world with their super ability.

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