the third ear 17-18 challenging the myth

The author is able to speak Chinese and Cantonese, and he can use them in consulting work. Although the author had come across many Asian languages such as Japanese and Tagalog, which is a major language in Philippine, he has lost them since he hadn’t use them afterwards. Any language is like a muscle, if we do not always use it, we can lose it very easily.

If we use the correct methods to learn a language, we can start to speak the language in just a few days. First, we listen the language with the help of some local friends. After we know the basis of the language, which is the most frequent elements in local people’s conversation, we could have a communication with others. Then in a passive spiral, when we communicate more, more contexts we could learn about. As days go by, we could range communication contexts from daily routines to more general topics such as the language learning process.

As for the secret of learning a new language, at first, it is listening the language. It is not about analyzing the contexts and evaluating the words we have known, however, we should learn how to feel the language itself, such as the intonation and the repeating elements. After we get used to that, we get into the new language world. Then, we can get onto the right language learning road.

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