Third Ear Page 10-11 My Second Written Piece

Third Ear Page 10-11 My Second Written Piece

Just the other day I was a train on my way home.It was late and I was hungry.So I went to the dinning car to order some food.As I finished ordering,a young Englishman asked me where he could get some jam.At that time my English is not very good but I can understand him.So I aked the waiter in the train to get some jam for him.Finaly,he got the jam.

Just the other day when I finished my work it was very late.I went to a resteraunt to have my dinner.As I finished ordering,a young Englishman came in.He asked me how to say noodles in mandarin.And I told him.He ordered egg noodles and had a good meal.

It is important to learn a new language.Because you can explore a new world.And you can travel somewhere abroad.You also can learn the knowledge of other countries.

My job is project management.Now I am in Pakistan.Most of the manager is Chinese person.The workers policeman and drivers are Pakistan people.The official language of Pakistan is English.So we talk in English.Because both Chinese people and Pakistan people are not very good at English.We have many problems in communication.

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