first time to send practice dialog to WeChat group

sometime I’m shy , but not  always . i can report wonderfully  in a meeting use Chinese . today couch OA said to me :”can you send dialog to WeChat group ?” 

I said :”I’m sorry I can’t ”   .

couch OA :”why?”   

I said :”I’m shy “

Couch OA:”why are you shy ?”

I said :”because i can’t pronunciation well ,and i can’t say it fluent “

couch OA:”i think you say it well ,i can understand all of you talk,can you send patience dialog to WeChat  ,I’m very expect “

I  thought a moment , I thought if you want to learned how to walk ,you need to take you first step .if you want to learning English well and talk anybody you want ,you must encourage yourself to talk in public ,WeChat group is a good place ,you can share you practice voice to others . when i thought that .

i said :”yes ,i can ,today i will send  practice dialog to WeChat ,  thanks for you help “

couch OA :”you are welcome ,I’m so expected ,do you have any other  question? “

I told her , I can hear dialog clearly ,but can’t repeat well  . I always need to practice 10 more  times , just reach 90% goal . sometimes i can say the same means use words .the couch OA told me , different way to the Sam goal ,it’s OK ,don’t forced yourself repeat 100%. 

 MR chris said :”don’t want anything profit ” .I thought they are  correct .

when I see my practice dialog been evluate  , it  says “pronounce well and talk fluency  “,I’m proud of me  ,because  I practice more than 15 times,and use my heart ,brain . 

when i practice this , i felled “节奏” and “旋律” so clearly . tomorrow i need to practice more ,i want to catch “节奏” and “旋律” felling , don’t want  the felling go away form my brain .

write this note spend 50 mins , i felling I’m in the right way , often use the had learned words and short sentence will make the  English “core “strong and  powerful .

why i want to write note , it help me repeat what i had learned ,it’s useful to me .

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