Made a good decision

Today I am going to talk to you about a good decision,hmmm….”Decision”that I had learned a new word.It was not form kungfu English,It was from a English conversation,I got it from English TV!I also learned many of English conversation from there.I found I can see it!I can known it,and known these people what they talk.I thought it probably by kungfu English,Because I practice kungfu English every day.

I have a great decision,I will be listening English TV or video for 30 or longer time.and now,I want to share some of I had listened English for you.

Hi,Tina,I will to get us a pet!

I don’t think buying a pet that is a good decision.

Why not?I have always wanted a puppy.

You have to feed him when he is hungry,you have to take care of it,Do you know how to take care of a puppy?you also have to take him to see a vet if he is sick.They have a lot of things to do!

…you are right!But I really want to have a pet…Do you have any suggestions?

You can buy a pet that easier than dogs.

Like what?

Like like….parrots. Parrots are much earlier than dogs to take care of..and when you unhappy you can tickle him,and he can copy your voices.It is interesting!

Yes,That does sound a great idea!

Tom had divorced for 1 year,today he will want to have a dating…..

Hi,Jane,How is it going?

Good,and you?

So so,I am happy to see you again!


I want to talk to you about something,I want to have a dating someday.

Oh,No problem,I am excited that you can bring up to have a dating.

I want to you give me a advice.

Ok,I saw a girl a few days ago in the college,she is a musician.and she had divorced too.I can give your number to her.

Thank you,I am hungry,let’s get some food before we going.

Ok,what are you going to get?

I want to have an ice cream,how about you?which food truck do you like?

Me too.lets go.I am going to have a hard ice cream.

Ok,my treat.

Thanks for you reading.

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