Learn to say what you can say (Lesson 519)

Learn to say what you can say (Lesson 519)
In above text of the third ear, the author said the importance of the practice in language learning. Then how do we practice in a second language? We should learn to say the more senior and complex words or phrases, or we should spend most of time practicing what you already can say. In last pages, the author gave me a answer, he put the topic that learn to say what you can say, not spend time trying to say what you can’t say.

In fact, this topic is different from the traditional way of learning a second languge in China. For example English, actually Chinese people more work hard to learn English, as a subjuct. In my impression, the teacher had always taught a new lesson in class, the classtime was precious, students had to seize each golden minute for the new knowledge. So sometimes it’s a waste of time to just practice in some simple words of phrases in classroom. As for after clsss time, the students also had no time to say what they can say. They just did the exercise that was include senior words and deep grammar. The result was obviously, they learned more and more words not used them in real life. It’s a ineffective learning.

Just the other day, I talked with my friend Ada. She has settled in a English-speaking country, and she also has the vacabulary of 20,000 and 30,000. In her talking, she always feel fear to talk about native people, because she thought she couldn’t use them well. There is no denying that the vacabulary is a basis of learn any language. But I think the more important thing is how to enter into the English channel. As we all know, the hardest thing is doing the first step. For me, It’s easy use some simple words and phrases to enter into the English environment.

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