Maybe I destroy the friendship with her

If you’ve remember l said just the another day l meet a new friend ,  that Philippine

girl , l see maybe l destroy the friendship with her , What’s happen ? let me tall you , in that day , around the day before yesterday l see ,  we’re talking just like the another day , suddenly we talk about to the learn, Then I said : If you want to be a Chinese Fluency , you have to learn more , and practice with me , but she answer :

you know my dad always find me , and l have lot house hold  chores to do too many school errands to run. Oh…… and then l told her : No,you just study one hours ever day , just a few words and phrase focus to learn , doesn’t same much ? and then she not spoken with me since , oh my god , it’s me make her upset ? what’s going on ? 

Today  morning l send a “Good Morning”  by WeChat with her , but she did’t respond . Maybe like usually she’s connection is poor ? l’m looking forward ,   


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