The adult advantage

In this section the author refer that children can learn a new language faster than adults is mythical. According  to the reseach, adults can learn a new language more quickly than children do if they had the same amount of time that exposed to a new language. How can this be? Because adults know more concepts in the world than children do. and all they need to do is give the new label to the concepts that they have already known. children, on the other hand, they are trying to master these concepts when they are learning a new language at the same time. Moreover, adults can apply some tricks that they’ve already handled over the years to their language learning. such as writing can help them organise and memorise materials of a new language. The ways for thinking and talking the language structure also suppot their learning.

  The author suggested there is an language switch we can turn on in our brain to accelerate our language acquisition. As though there are really circuits in our heads that we can use to learn language. If we remove some of the rust on it, we could become increasingly easy to learn language.

  I think either adults and children have their own advantage for language learning. All they have to do is finding their motivation for language learning, then make the effort to use the technique they have already mastered to the language learning. 

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