Three pronunciation about “Ex”

These days , i learned some new words , there are start with “ex” . some of them pronounce /ɪks/ , some of them pronounce /ɛks/ ,and some of them pronounce /ɪɡz/ .

I was confused ,therefore i search them on the web , there are some examples for this ,i write it down .


  • experience 经验
  • expect 期待
  • excuse 原谅
  • excite 激动


  • extra 额外的
  • expert 专家
  • execute 执行
  • exit 出口


  • example 例子
  • exact 准确的
  • exhibit 展品,展览
  • exhaust 耗尽

2 Responses so far.

  1. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    Remember, the sound always comes first, and it (the sound in a word) can change based on where you are (local, regional dialects). One sound can also change based on the following sounds in a word. Why? Often, because it’s just easier to say that way.

    In any case, the letters don’t create the sound. The sound is independent of the letters, and the letters are chosen simply to represent the sound.

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